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Leonard Nimoy

February 27, 2015

I followed Nimoy on Twitter and considered myself one of his honorary grandchildren, as silly as that is, because all my grandparents are dead. His final tweet is a keeper along with the poem he posted before that… I disliked the original Star Trek because of Shatner but Spock I always enjoyed.

You have and always will be…Spock. You have lived long and prospered and now you get to explore the final frontier. What is remembered, lives.

The Slavic Polytheist

So this has nothing to do with paganism or polytheism.

This has more to do with personal thoughts and ideas.

Woke up this morning to the news that Leonard Nimoy has passed away. (Link)

Spock - Star Trek Spock – Star Trek

That is sad for a multitude of reasons. He was a brilliant actor, worked a director, and did a lot in the arts (photography chief there). I always thought he was inspiring.

But then there’s how I first discovered Leonard Nimoy – Star Trek.

I was obsessed with Star Trek as a child. Even though I only vaguely remember TNG on television when I was really little, I really got into Star Trek through TOS reruns. I used to watch the shows late at night, around 11pm when they aired them on some channel, and I would watch the show in awe of the fact that Star Trek was…

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  1. February 27, 2015 1:58 PM

    i’ve been a trekkie my whole life. my first crush was shatner, when i was about 6 or 7 years old. i’m absolutely heartbroken.
    now i’m going to have to watch nimoy’s ‘bilbo’ video.
    😦 khairete

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