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2016 Goals

The books read will be posted over at GoodReads.  It is a bit of a hassle to post it in two places, so check it out over there if interested.

Another goal is to get more crafting done.  The final goal easily documented is working on more writing beyond this blog. Below I will list those finishes.  (Mostly to remind myself of what I HAVE accomplished.)  By the end of the year there should be at least 52 items on this list, one per week though I’d like to do at least twice that.  Hmmm I just realized in May that I have forgotten to keep this up to date.  Oopsy.

  1. Finished hand sewing down the patches on my boychild’s jeans.  Finger is sore but he’ll be warmer.
  2. Currently working on decorating some angel wings with glitter glue…looks childish but I never claimed to be an artist.  🙂
  3. Glued the rails of my wrapping station back into the posts as part of the test product trial.
  4. Turned a wrap into more of a shawl for my aunt’s funeral…it is a very bright pink.
  5. For Easter/Spring, I made a flowered bunny wreath.
  6. I’ve made various cards for a great uncle and mother’s day cards.
  7. Fixed/repurposed some jewelry from the 33 pounds that I was given.

So I’ve been thinking how I want to strengthen my divination skills.  I decided to do a daily three card reading, rotating decks every month.  I started out using a small calendar but there isn’t enough room for writing so I’ll moved it here.  I’ll draw them in the morning (’cause tarot work at night keeps me from sleeping), reviewing the previous days cards to compare against my previous day.  Below will this the deck I use for each month (the first one will be used a bit longer than the others.)

  1. Wild Wood Tarot
  2. Wild Wood Tarot
  3. Chrysalis Tarot
  4. Chrysalis Tarot
  5. Chrysalis Tarot