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Deck Interview: Steampunk Tarot

September 12, 2013

I am most impressed with this deck.  I love the images and Barbara Moore’s manual is top notch.  I haven’t been posting many of my tarot readings of late but I found this one very interesting.  The clarity of this deck is amazing.  I used my interview spread for this reading.

  1. Most Important Characteristic:  9 of Swords – helping you address your worries.
  2. What can you do?  Magician –  I help you recognize and use all your resources.
  3. What can’t you do?  World –  I won’t pat you on the back and say good-by for our work is never completed; life time guidance
  4. What is your curriculum?  10 of Pentacles – to help you find your joy, your happiness
  5. How shall I use you?  4 of Pentacles – to keep energy resources flowing; to keep you from hoarding or hiding
  6. Final thoughts?  9 of Pentacles – dreams fulfilled; I am the tool you’ve been seeking
  7. Who is the guardian of the deck?  9 of Wands – an old soldier
    1. clarifier:  Queen of Cups – soldier/teacher
    2. clarifier:  Page of Cups – new to this mode, feels foolish
    3. clarifier:  Page of Wands – will require energy to gain confidence in this method
    4. Lover:  committed to partnership

So I was very intrigued about who this guardian is…so I did another reading in list format

  1. 9 of Wands:  an old soldier
  2. 4 of Pentacles:  Protector
  3. 6 of Cups:  remember me  (Once I remembered a name that I’d been told of one of my guides quite a while back, I heard “You REMEMBERED!”)
  4. Lovers:  Partnership
  5. King of Cups:  supportive guide

So after that I decided to my soldier about the animal guardians I seem to have acquired.  We were both getting tired but I did get some useful information.  I’ll write them down as to where I feel their energy centers but I’m not sharing names.   (Crazy?  maybe but happily so)

For the situation/purpose:  5 of Wands (in flux) and 6 of Wands (support staff).  So they are to aid me but either they or their purpose hasn’t finalized/settled out.

To my left:  The Golden Griffin who I seem to turn to when I need some “sunshine”

  1. Queen of Pentacles – detailed
  2. 7 of Pentacles detailed; accessing of progress
  3. Hanged Man:  slows things down; differing point of view

To my right:  lion?  the heart of the group.  Unlike the griffon, this one is quiet, very quiet.  More solid or grounded.

  1. 4 of Swords:  quiet, waiting for the right time, zen-like, a pause, stillness
  2. Hermit – the still center
  3. Judgement – redirects my attention

Behind me:  defender, has got my back, the backbone

  1. Ace of Wands:  energetic
  2. 5 of Cups:  sympathetic
  3. 10 of Wands: strength

Before me:  the youngest of the bunch, all movement and enthusiasm

  1. 4 of Cups:  young, short attention span
  2. Page of Wands:  a bit of a bravado
  3. 3 of Cups:  a chum


So love the deck, reads clearer than any deck I own or have ever owned.  It is a fantastic blend of old and new.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. September 12, 2013 5:12 PM

    Yeah, some decks just don’t do anything for me. They don’t seem to affect me at all. I usually buy decks than stir some kind of emotion in me. I need that in order to be able to interpret my cards and feel an intuitive response towards them.

    There are so many decks out there. I one day hope to make my own, however, but that for now is just an idea and not something I am currently working on. LOL. I hope you find a deck more to your liking though. 🙂



  1. What do I do now? | 4 of Wands

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