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Decisions, decisions, decisions

October 1, 2012

So I’m a nervous nelly.  I’ve never denied that.  Before I make, what I consider a big personal decision, I tend to ask a lot of questions and do a fair amount of research into things…and do divination.  Different decks, different techniques, different days.  I can get quite obnoxious about it.  So today was the deadline that I set myself for making the decision about ADF.  So one last time, I pulled out a divination deck and asked “Should I join?”.  Today’s deck was My Witchy Lenormand deck as I’m rather fascinated by it at the moment.

Tree + Key + Clouds + Stars + Fox

Tree + Key = a slow but steady process that needs to be done (their dedicant program takes 1 year)

Key + Clouds = Need to do despite uncertainty/fear

Clouds + Stars = Challenging new path

Stars + Fox = path to new skills

Pretty positive “need to do it” reading.  So I signed up for ADF today.  Only time can tell where this will lead…


So for the fun of it I asked weather I should sign up for this Lenormand course I’ve seen posted on Facebook.

Bear + Mountain + Key + Tower + Anchor

Bear + Mountain = Strength/ability to overcome obstacles

Mountain + Key = a challenge you need to take on

Key + Tower = need to take things a step at a time

Tower + Anchor = (not sure on this one) overcoming boundaries?

Seems rather positive…I’ll explore this one further before I do this one as it will depend on the needs of the previous decision.


8 Comments leave one →
  1. October 1, 2012 2:59 PM

    I just recently joined ADF myself! (I’ve had a hectic few weeks and haven’t really had a chance to write about it yet.) Are you planning to do the Dedicant Program? I think it’s interesting that you joined today, as it just so happens to be the birthday of Isaac Bonewits (one of my heroes), the founder of ADF. At any rate, congrats with your decision! 🙂


    • October 1, 2012 3:18 PM

      My goal was to join on the Equinox but family matters kept that from happening. I am going to do the dedicant program. Are you?

      Congrats to you too!


      • October 2, 2012 12:34 PM

        Yes, I’ve already started the Dedicant Path work and I’m really enjoying the program so far. I’ve also started incorporating some of the ADF techniques and rituals (like the Two Powers Meditation, the Kindling Charm, and a lovely introductory ritual from the Members Handbook – which you will likely be receiving in the next few days) into my regular practice. The Members Handbook is great – so much of it resonates with what I’m already doing, and I really like the balance between research/study and experiential practice.


        • October 2, 2012 12:56 PM

          I’ve started reading the Members Handbook PDF and like what I’ve read so far. I just wish I could read faster as my to-read-list keeps getting bigger!


  2. ladyimbrium permalink
    October 1, 2012 9:04 PM

    I’m not a member but I’ve heard wonderful things from friends who are. If I had more time away from work I might look into it. I think I’m more drawn to the AODA but to each their own 😉


    • October 1, 2012 9:39 PM

      I’ve heard some good things about this organization. I have hopes that with this I’ll finally find a way to get out of my own way…


  3. Anne permalink
    October 2, 2012 6:16 PM

    I was a dedicant years ago, I have only nice things to remember about the ADF. I hope you find what you seek! They are very nice people.


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